Infographics that make your message a snack.
Check out easy-to-understand infographics for brands like Strategus, Wowza, and CenturyLink.
Self vs. Managed Services for CTV Advertising
Strategus x Traci Ruether
Advertisers have two choices when approaching CTV: a self-serve platform or a managed service partner. Here’s how the two compare
History of Streaming
Wowza x Traci Ruether
Online video is embedded into everything we do. Here’s a trip through the history of streaming to understand how we got here.
What to Look For in Managed Security Services
CenturyLink x Traci Ruether
There’s security in numbers. And this infographic makes it a cinch to quantify how CenturyLink meets key considerations.
Do You Need Wowza Professional Services?
Wowza x Traci Ruether
For anyone building a video solution with Wowza, here are some of the reasons to enlist technical assistance.
History of TV Advertising
Strategus x Traci Ruether
As one of the top-visited pages on, this infographic establishes Strategus as a key player in TV advertising’s evolution.
Cloud vs. On-Premises Streaming
Wowza x Traci Ruether
Looking to get into video streaming, but unsure whether to deploy your technology on-premises or in the cloud? Here’s a side-by-side.