SEO blogs created to attract new eyeballs.

Check out articles that drive significant traffic for brands like Mux, Strategus, and Wowza.

Streaming Protocols Explained

Wowza x Traci Ruether

With 100+ backlinks, this article served as the pillar page for Wowza’s SEO efforts — driving 2,000+ organic clicks per month at its height.

A TV displaying the apps for multiple streaming services.

History of TV Advertising

Strategus x Traci Ruether

As one of the top-visited pages on, this article establishes Strategus as a key player in TV advertising’s evolution.

Ultimate Guide to HTML5 Video Players

Bitmovin x Traci Ruether

Ranking in the top spot for many commercial keywords (searches likely to result in a purchase), this ghostwritten article drives high-intent traffic to the Bitmovin site.

Video Codecs Explained

Mux x Traci Ruether

As one of the primary sources of non-branded organic traffic to, this article is part of a glossary-based SEO strategy that I partnered with Mux on.

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